16 Ways to Get More PT Clients

June 27, 2019

Consistently, and without fail, the biggest problem faced by Personal Trainers is client acquisition. Getting more people to train.

So we thought we’d compile a list of 16 ways you can get more clients. How many are you doing?

Work out where you want to end up:
Too many PTs start building their business without actually establishing what they want it to become. Start with your desired lifestyle in mind, then work back from there. Building a client base is pointless unless it serves a purpose and gives you the lifestyle you want.

Build a Mission Statement:
What do you want to achieve? What is your mission, your purpose? As you build your business, things will start to get messy, it’s important to have a very clean and basic statement to come back to when things get crazy.

Decide on your Core Values:
Core Values drive your culture, which is what keeps people coming back. This is more important than your programming, your facility, or your equipment. Core Values also guide your actions and behaviours to ensure they’re in line with your vision for the business.

Work out what you do best:
You need a unique selling proposition – something that you’re known for, and that you do better than anyone else. Find this before you start marketing, because without it, your marketing will be directionless.

Build systems:
The more your business grows, the harder it will be to ‘organise’ and ‘automate’ the business with systems. Do it first.

Work out who you’re trying to help:
Too many PTs come up with a great idea for the service they want to provide, then go looking for people who want to pay them money. Flip the script. Find people who need a problem solving, then design your great idea to solve it.

Create an amazing experience:
Before you start acquiring clients, build an amazing client journey. Create epic moments, and an experience that will make them wonder how they ever lived without you. Without an amazing experience, you’ll destined to lose the clients you work so hard to acquire.

Build a website:
It doesn’t have to be complicated, but you need an online presence outside social media. A good rule of thumb is to design this around who you help and the problems you solve, not around who you are and what you do. Sell the dream, not the process.

Create content:
Position yourself as an expert in your field by creating content (blogs, social media posts, videos, podcasts etc.). Stuck for ideas? Each piece of content should solve one of the problems of your avatars.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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