Six Month Open-Prep Program

Did you know there are TWO CrossFit Opens in 2019?

Are you doing everything you should be to surpass your goals and dominate the October Open?

If you need support and coaching through every step of the process, leaving no stone unturned, we’re here to provide comprehensive and individualised remote coaching (not just programming) to maximise your Open performance.

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We are now accepting expressions of interest for a STRICTLY LIMITED TEN PLACES for athletes of all levels who would like to target the October Open. Expressions of interest close Thursday April 4th.

There are so many pieces of the puzzle that have to be aligned to ensure you reach your potential. Range of Motion Individualised Programming is here to help you with every piece.

Complete retrospective review of your performance in the (recently completed) first Open of 2019 (so we can learn from your results).

100% individualised and custom program, unique to you, based on your strengths and weaknesses. No two athletes are the same, so no two programs are the same. We provide what YOU need to maximise your Open success. Delivered to you every week through our interactive online platform.

Periodised training designed around your individual needs and biased towards the areas that will most benefit your October Open performance.

Daily skill development and practice sessions to destroy your weaknesses in Open specific movements like chest to bar pull-ups, HSPU, toes to bar, double unders, walking handstands, muscle-ups and more. Individualised programs to cater for you whether you’re trying to get your first bar muscle-up, or do 30 unbroken.

Weekly ‘Open Style’ tests to compare your results to fellow Range of Motion Individualised Programming athletes.

Session-specific pre- exercise routines, movement therapy and recovery work programmed daily.

Weekly mental skills training drills to help you build the confidence, resilience, grit, imagery and positive self-talk you need to deal with the mental and emotional turmoil that can sometimes be The CrossFit Open.

Unlimited weekly detailed video analyses of your lifts and movements.

Full access and complete, round-the-clock access to your Coach, Dan Williams.

A special ‘CrossFit Open Sports-Specific’ training program for the final eight weeks in the lead-up to The Open, and a supplemental ‘Open Specific’ interval training regime in the final four weeks to ensure you’re peaking for success.

Full intra-Open training, including tapers to maximise your success.

Detailed an individualised strategy guidelines for the Open workouts.

Full review of your ‘Open attempt 1’ videos with detailed strategy changes and corrections.

Discounted rates for the 2019 Range of Motion Athlete Camp.

Expressions of interest close in








We’re opening just TEN places in this comprehensive six month Open preparation program for $60 per week, all inclusive. Because this coaching is 100% individualised, it’s designed for all levels, from the beginner to the Games athlete.

Expressions of interest close Thursday April 4th.

Complete your details below to register your interest and learn more.

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