Range of Motion offers Exercise Physiologist designed one-on-one exercise sessions for individuals with this condition. Book a complimentary consultation or contact us to find out more.
The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional.
Based on guidelines provided by the American College of Sports Medicine.
Condition Overview:
Mental illness is a significant behavioural or psychological syndrome that is associated with distress or disability. It has elements in:
- Psychological dysfunction.
- Biological dysfunction.
- Behavioural dysfunction.
Short Term Response to Exercise:
The presence of a form of mental illness does not have a direct impact on a single exercise session, though medications for that condition may have an affect. Mental illnesses are often accompanied by an associated condition which can often cause a specific exercise response.
Long Term Response to Exercise:
From a physical point of view, supervised exercise training has been shown to create favourable changes in:
- Fitness
- Performance time
- Body composition
Changes in psychological profiles revolve around a considerable antidepressive effect and include:
- Improved mood.
- Improved self concept.
- Improved work behaviour.
- Decreased depression and anxiety.
Condition Management:
Pharmocological therapy is common for sufferers of mental illness, with antianxiety, antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs often prescribed. The effects of these medication on exercise response should be carefully considered.
Skrinar, G. S., (2003). Mental Illness. In: Durstine, J. L., Moore, G. E. (2003), ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities 2nd Ed. (pp 316-319) American College of Sports Medicine, Human Kinetics.