To help you decide if this is the key to unlocking the missing piece in your business, contact us now to book a free video call with Dan.
Is this for you?
How it works
An Intensive Two Days
Business Assessment
Business Development
Business Makeover
What Next?

Year of fitness industry experience
Fitness Businesses Helped
The things we’ll be working on
Business Direction:
We’ll set targets and goals to design the future of your business.
Culture and Core Values:
We’ll build the pillars of your culture and the actions to uphold it.
Unique Selling Proposition:
Identification of the unique elements to capitalise on your strengths.
KPI Tracking:
Identification of key performance indicators and how to improve them.
Systems and Operations:
Designing of the systems to create automation in your business.
Target Market Identification:
Detailed creation of your avatar to form the basis for our marketing.
Content Marketing:
Designing of a plan to deliver quality content to build reputation.
Social Media Documentation:
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Microinfluencer Strategy:
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Social Media Marketing:
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Email Marketing Strategy:
Formulating a plan to build networks and capitalise on email marketing.
Google Advertising Strategy:
Search engine optimisation and paid Google Advertising plan.
Referral Program Strategy:
We’ll build and launch a process to create a stream of referrals.
Promotions and Tactics:
We’ll design short term strategies to help create boost in client numbers.
Offline Marketing Strategy:
A plan for ‘non-digital’ marketing using traditional exposure strategies.
Client Macro Journey:
Designing the long-term experience for client retention.
Client Micro Journey:
Optimising the experience your clients receive with each interaction.
Personal Productivity:
We’ll plan initiatives to maximise the time spent on your business.
Businesses recommendations
“Dan has been great as a sounding board. Owning my own business can be quite isolating, so having someone there to bounce ideas off and help with crucial decisions has been worth its weight in gold.”
“I’ve had mentors in the past who have been good at telling me what to do, but the thing with Dan is that he tells me how to do it, and holds me accountable to getting things done. The guidance has been invaluable.”
“Since working with Dan, I’ve learnt how to spend time working on the business, not just in the business. Even with heaps more clients on board, I feel way less busy, and way less stressed. I’m now in control.”
“I like that Dan delivers an approach this is individualised and sequenced to ensure I’m focusing on the right thing at the right time. My clients are getting a 10-fold better service, and my client numbers have tripled.”
“It’s more than just Dan’s credentials that make him a great mentor. Has already done the hard work, has a well established business, and can relate to the challenges I’m facing, because he’s faced them too.”
“Dan has given me so much more confidence in starting a new business. He’s held my hand every step of the way and has made it so much easier because he’s been there and done that.
A Range of Motion Fitness Business Makeover is an exclusive service we only provide to a limited number of businesses per year.
1: Let’s chat
To see if a Range of Motion Fitness Business Makeover is right for you, let’s make time to catch up for a video call. This is a great way to learn more and have an open discussion around how we can best help you. There is no charge for this – it’s just a great way to see if we’re a good fit.

2: Let’s Start
From there, if it sounds like a Range of Motion Fitness Business Makeover is the best next step for you, we’ll confirm a date and start the ball rolling to accelerate your business.