Range of Motion 2020 Client Survey Report

The 2020 Range of Motion Client Survey was an anonymous online survey distributed to all active clients of Range of Motion.

The Survey acts as a way to ‘check the temperature’ of the business. The primary purpose was to identify opportunities to improve the experience we are providing to our clients.

We received 64 total responses (approximately 40% of all Range of Motion clients) and a total of 3072 individual pieces of feedback. Of these 3072 comments, the vast majority were glowing in their representation of Range of Motion. Though this is great for our ego, and an indication that we’re on the right track, it’s the comments that offered constructive criticism and feedback that were really valuable.

So thank you to each of you who gave us such great feedback. If you’re interested in reading these positive statements, please let me know. But the purpose of this report is to address the opportunities you all have highlighted for improvement. So while everything you see here may be perceived as ‘negative feedback’, please rest assured that you’re only seeing the feedback that you’ve given with a view to making Range of Motion better.

I realise as well that we cannot please everyone. There are multiple instances where people are suggesting opposite things (e.g. “There should be more x’ versus, “There should be less x’). But while we cannot please everyone, this feedback is no less valuable, as it gives us a great snapshot of exactly what both the individual, and the collective, needs from us. And of course, we’ll never be perfect, but that won’t stop us trying to be, or at least moving in that direction.

I’ve done my best to reply to every constructive suggestion and piece of feedback in this report. I’ve also done my best to respond with empathy and understanding. I apologise if there are times when it doesn’t come across as such. Regardless of the overwhelming positivity, my mind (as is human nature) tends to linger on the negatives, and the things we aren’t doing well – and sometimes that gets me down. Range of Motion is ‘my baby’, and I’ve put every piece of my heart in to it. It hurts at times to know we’re still falling short of the high standards we set ourselves, but we will constantly look to continue to improve. Of course, that being said, ‘I asked for it’, and I do appreciate you honesty in helping us shape a better experience for you.

A final point before we get in to results (and my responses). Range of Motion isn’t for everyone. We know that. Some of the choices we make may seem (externally) to not make sense. And we get that. But know that everything we do is part of our vision, and the experience we want to provide. We’re different (not better, just different). We’re contrarian. Over a decade and a half we have shaped our product, our philosophies, and our brand. And we’re pretty happy that we’re at least on the right track. We’re not a gym, and therefore aren’t the best solution for people just looking for a gym. Some of the feedback, while amazing (and appreciated) would (if actioned) move us away from our model and our vision. Again, we’re not for everyone, but a certain type of person who needs an individualised approach to their happiness, health, fitness and performance. While not for everyone, we want to be the best we can for the people we ARE for.

Dan Williams, Director, Range of Motion.

How to navigate this report:

Each question in the survey has been given its own section in this report. You can find a chart of the results (where applicable), and all the responses you left outlining opportunities for us to improve. We’ve responded to each of these comments with a short video, which you can see by clicking the comment.

Click on the following survey questions to jump to our responses to your comments for that question.

  1. How satisfied are you with the service your Personal Coach provides you DURING your one-on-one sessions?
  2. How could your Personal Coach improve the service they provide you DURING your one-on-one sessions?
  3. How satisfied are you with the service you Personal Coach provides you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you are training on your own at Range of Motion?
  4. How could your Personal Coach improve the service they provide you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you are TRAINING ON YOUR OWN at Range of Motion?
  5. How satisfied are you with the service you Personal Coach provides you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you ARE NOT at Range of Motion?
  6. How could your Personal Coach improve the service they provide you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you ARE NOT at Range of Motion?
  7. How satisfied are you with the service ALL Range of Motion Personal Coaches (not just your own) provide you when you’re training at Range of Motion ON YOUR OWN (i.e. not one-on-one with your Personal Coach)?
  8. How could our team of Personal Coaches (not just your own) improve the service they provide you when you’re training at Range of Motion ON YOUR OWN (i.e. not one-on-one with your Personal Coach)?
  9. What are your Personal Coach’s strengths? What are their superpowers? What do they do really well that improves your experience at Range of Motion?
  10. What are a few opportunities your Personal Coach has to improve, to make your experience at Range of Motion even better?
  11. How often does your Personal Coach discuss goal setting with you during our four-monthly goal setting weeks?
  12. How often does your Personal Coach use our ’Session Cards’ to circle the main faults they observed in your session?
  13. How can Dan Williams improve the service he is able to provide you through Range of Motion?
  14. Which of the follows best describes how you use the ‘ROM Programming’ software?
  15. How would you rate the effectiveness of our ‘Range of Motion Programming’ software for helping you reach your goals?
  16. How can we improve our Range of Motion Programming Software?
  17. How satisfied are you that Range of Motion provides the facility and equipment you need for your goals?
  18. How could we improve the exercise facility/equipment?
  19. How would you rate the cleanliness of the exercise facility and front ‘chill out’ area?
  20. How would you rate the tidiness and organisation of the exercise facility and front ‘chill out’ area?
  21. How could we improve the front ‘chill out’ area (fridge, iPad, work stations, tables, kitchenette etc)?
  22. How would you rate the cleanliness of the bathrooms?
  23. How could we improve the bathrooms?
  24. Are there any products you would like us to make available for purchase?
  25. How often do you do your PRE- EXERCISE ‘Move’, ‘Pre- Mobilise’ and ‘Activate’ steps of the Range of Motion Session Flow?
  26. How often do you do your POST- EXERCISE ‘Recover’, ’Stabilise’ and ‘Post- Mobilise’ steps of the Range of Motion Session Flow?
  27. Are there any services or opportunities that we could provide you (that you would use) that we don’t already?
  28. What things (list as many as you like) do you not understand at Range of Motion (it could be anything from your program, the Range of Motion Session Flow, exercise sessions, facility layout etc.). In other words, what could we do a better job of teaching/explaining/justifying to you?
  29. Do you currently attend our Saturday morning class?
  30. What do you think would make the class even better (if you do it)?
  31. How could we better live our Core Value, “Pursue and celebrate growth and achievement”?
  32. How could we better live our Core Value, “Provide a caring, safe, inclusive and supportive environment”?
  33. How could we better live our Core Value, “Forge meaningful and significant relationships”?
  34. How could we better live our Core Value, “Be accountable and responsible for building habits of excellence in ourselves and others”?
  35. How could we better live our Core Value, “Purposefully impact individuals, communities and generations through individualised care”?
  36. How could we better live our Core Value, “Evolve thinking through the sharing of science-based knowledge”?
  37. During your visits to Range of Motion, how many of your fellow ROMMERs do you know by name?
  38. How often do you train with a buddy at Range of Motion?
  39. How would you rate your sense of belonging at Range of Motion.
  40. How could we increase your sense of belonging?
  41. What are the biggest things we could do to give you a more positive, beneficial and valuable experience at Range of Motion?
  42. How likely are you to recommend us to a loved one, friend or colleague?
  43. What can we do better to make you more likely to recommend us to a friend or colleague?
  44. What are the biggest things that you think would stop your friends, family and colleagues from training at Range of Motion?
  45. Is there anything at all we haven’t asked you that you’d like us to know?

1) How satisfied are you with the service your Personal Coach provides you DURING your one-on-one sessions?


As one of our core services, and a major part of the Range of Motion Experience, we’re happy to be sitting in the mid 9s for this one. It’s a credit to the amazing team of Personal Coaches we have at Range of Motion. We will continue to work on improving this score.

3) How satisfied are you with the service you Personal Coach provides you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you are training on your own at Range of Motion?


It’s great to see you’re getting value outside your Personally Coached session while you’re at ROM. We’ll be working to bring this up to the same rating as the service you’re getting during the session itself.

4) How could your Personal Coach improve the service they provide you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you are TRAINING ON YOUR OWN at Range of Motion?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches, though we will address the following here:

5) How satisfied are you with the service you Personal Coach provides you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you ARE NOT at Range of Motion?


One of the things we pride ourselves on, is our ability to be valuable to you in all areas of your life, not just when you’re inside the walls of our facility. We will continue to work hard to help you not just when you’re with us physically.

6) How could your Personal Coach improve the service they provide you OUTSIDE your one-on-one sessions when you ARE NOT at Range of Motion?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches, though we will address the following here:

7) How satisfied are you with the service ALL Range of Motion Personal Coaches (not just your own) provide you when you’re training at Range of Motion ON YOUR OWN (i.e. not one-on-one with your Personal Coach)?


This is something we’ve marked as being in need of improvement. Although you work with one Personal Coach, it’s important that every member of staff at Range of Motion takes responsibility and accountability for all clients of Range of Motion – not just ‘our own’. We will be working hard on this, and hope you notice an improvement here soon.

8) How could our team of Personal Coaches (not just your own) improve the service they provide you when you’re training at Range of Motion ON YOUR OWN (i.e. not one-on-one with your Personal Coach)?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches, though we will address the following here:

9) What are your Personal Coach’s strengths? What are their superpowers? What do they do really well that improves your experience at Range of Motion?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches.

10) What are a few opportunities your Personal Coach has to improve, to make your experience at Range of Motion even better?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches, though we will address the following here:

11) How often does your Personal Coach discuss goal setting with you during our four-monthly goal setting weeks?


Setting goals is such an important part of creating direction for you. If you know what you’re working towards, it will help to give you purpose, and will keep you accountable to maintain healthy habits. Based on this survey result, we will be working hard a s a staff team to lift our game in this area.

12) How often does your Personal Coach use our ’Session Cards’ to circle the main faults they observed in your session?


While it’s great to see that the vast majority of you are having your cards filled out ‘always’, we’ll be working hard to increase this number. At Range of Motion, we’re responsibly for more than just your fitness, and the Range of Motion Session Flow is a vital part of helping you manage your musculo-skeletal health.

13) How can Dan Williams improve the service he is able to provide you through Range of Motion?

14) Which of the follows best describes how you use the ‘ROM Programming’ software?


We know how important autonomy is to create long term healthy habits. While we strive to provide you with a high level of care, it’s important that we give you a sense of ownership and responsibility over some facets of your health. Managing you exercise program is one such facet. It’s a fine line, sometimes, we perceive we’re helping by taking ‘all the thinking out of it’ for you. But the research (and our experience) has shown us that giving you this ownership results in better long term outcomes. We’ll be working hard to help more of you move into the ‘I manage my own ROM Programming Software’ category.

15) How would you rate the effectiveness of our ‘Range of Motion Programming’ software for helping you reach your goals?


This was perhaps one of the hardest results for us to see. Sure, it’s over 8, which shouldn’t be perceived as a bad score, but when compared to some of our other scores, it’s on the low side. I think the failure here has been out ability to well communicate the benefits, rationale and methodologies behind ROM Programming. I see this as a failure on our behalf to adequately explain. We’ll be working hard to rectify this.

16) How can we improve our Range of Motion Programming Software?

The responses to this question have been provided to individual Personal Coaches, though we will address the following here:

17) How satisfied are you that Range of Motion provides the facility and equipment you need for your goals?


We have obviously invested heavily in our facility and equipment in the recent past, and it’s good to see a score in the 9s here. We will be actioning your feedback to move this closer to 10.

18) How could we improve the exercise facility/equipment?

19) How would you rate the cleanliness of the exercise facility and front ‘chill out’ area?


We know how important it is to provide you with a great environment, and cleanliness is a big part of this. But we know we can always do better, and that will be our aim.

20) How would you rate the tidiness and organisation of the exercise facility and front ‘chill out’ area?


We’ve put a lot of thought and design into the layout and organisation of our facility, and we’re happy to see this has been well received. With your help, we will endeavour to continue to provide an aesthetically pleasing and tidy environment for you.

21) How could we improve the front ‘chill out’ area (fridge, iPad, work stations, tables, kitchenette etc)?

22) How would you rate the cleanliness of the bathrooms?


We’re happy to be in the 9s here, but we realise that some of our other ‘cleanliness’ scores are higher. We’ve taken on board your feedback and know how important it is to have clean bathrooms. We’ll work to improve.

25) How often do you do your PRE- EXERCISE ‘Move’, ‘Pre- Mobilise’ and ‘Activate’ steps of the Range of Motion Session Flow?


It’s great to see the vast majority of you always following this part of the Range of Motion Session Flow. It’s such an important part of your overall health. For those of you not completing this important part of the Range of Motion Experience, we’ll work harder to educate you as to its benefits, and create an environment where it can easily become a habit.

26) How often do you do your POST- EXERCISE ‘Recover’, ’Stabilise’ and ‘Post- Mobilise’ steps of the Range of Motion Session Flow?


It’s great to see the vast majority of you always following this part of the Range of Motion Session Flow. It’s such an important part of your overall health. For those of you not completing this important part of the Range of Motion Experience, we’ll work harder to educate you as to its benefits, and create an environment where it can easily become a habit.

27) Are there any services or opportunities that we could provide you (that you would use) that we don’t already?

28) What things (list as many as you like) do you not understand at Range of Motion (it could be anything from your program, the Range of Motion Session Flow, exercise sessions, facility layout etc.). In other words, what could we do a better job of teaching/explaining/justifying to you?

29) Do you currently attend our Saturday morning class?


The class is a great way to meet some new people, and kick off your weekend! We’d love for you to come give it a go some time. It’s open to everyone on ROM Plus, and is great for people of all levels. As always though, your Personal Coach manages your overall exercise, so we always ask them to give you the ‘go ahead’ before your first class.

32) How could we better live our Core Value, “Provide a caring, safe, inclusive and supportive environment”?

35) How could we better live our Core Value, “Purposefully impact individuals, communities and generations through individualised care”?

36) How could we better live our Core Value, “Evolve thinking through the sharing of science-based knowledge”?

37) During your visits to Range of Motion, how many of your fellow ROMMERs do you know by name?


This is perhaps our lowest rating of the entire survey. I feel this metric is a great ‘quick and dirty’ indicator of culture. Considering that the same people are often at ROM at the same times every week, we need to do a better job of helping introduce you to people so you can make some new friends. ROMMERs really are great people, and your experience will be richer from knowing them.

38) How often do you train with a buddy at Range of Motion?


This is such a great way to meet new people and ‘spice up’ your session and overall experience at Range of Motion. Use the ‘Training Buddies’ Facebook Group, our periodic ‘who’s training at what time?’ posts, and just good old fashioned conversation to make a time to train with a friend (old or new). Your ROM Programming has plenty of partner and team sessions which are perfect for this.

39) How would you rate your sense of belonging at Range of Motion.


By far our lowest rating. Many people rated this as low because they felt they didn’t need belonging. They felt like they were not a typical ROMMER because they don’t train at ROM other than with their Personal Coach. But that sort of person IS the typical ROMMER. 75% of our clients train only with a Personal Coach, and not on their own. It’s important that you feel like you belong, so please don’t feel like this doesn’t apply to you. We’ll be doubling down on our efforts to make ROM feel like home.

40) How could we increase your sense of belonging?

42) How likely are you to recommend us to a loved one, friend or colleague?


The Net Prompter Score is a globally accepted management tool that is used to gauge the loyalty of customer relationships. An NPS can be as low as −100 (every respondent is a “detractor”) or as high as +100 (every respondent is a “promoter”). A positive NPS (i.e., one that is higher than zero) is generally deemed good, a NPS of +50 is generally deemed excellent, and anything over +70 is exceptional. While we’re happy to be in the ‘exceptional’ category, we’ll be doing everything we can to move everyone to a nine or a ten.

43) What can we do better to make you more likely to recommend us to a friend or colleague?