SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (880) Every two minutes, complete 5x 5 second eccentric lowers, alternating exercises every two minutes (total 20 minutes). As heavy as possible. Deficit handstand lower (increase depth from session 890) Bar row (increase...
Articles from Range of Motion
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (877)
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (877)Every two minutes, complete 5x 5 second eccentric lowers, alternating exercises every two minutes (total 20 minutes). As heavy as possible.Bar dip (increase weight from session 886)Bar row (increase weight or angle...
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (871)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (871)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (869)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (869)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (867)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (867)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (865)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (865)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (861)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (861)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (859)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (859)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (857)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (857)Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (855)
SESSION NOTES: Absolute Strength (855) Complete 5x five second eccentric lowers of the following. >90% max. Full assistance from spotter to lift, if you don’t have a spotter(s), complete at >75%. One breath only between reps. One exercise every 2:30....
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (651)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (651)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 4x(25:100), 4x(90:180), 1x(240). 8 Kettlebell Swings, 6...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (652)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (652)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 3x(30:120), 3x(120:240), 1x(300). 4x 5m Shuttle Run, 8...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (728)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (728)With a partner, one round each for 12 total rounds, two rounds each for 12 total rounds, three rounds each for 12 total rounds. 4x 5m Shuttle Run, 8 Kettlebell Swings, 6 Burpees. This session trains multiple...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (650)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (650)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 5x(20:80), 5x(60:120), 1x(180). 6 Burpees, 4/6 Cal Ski...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (649)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (649)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 3x(30:120), 3x(120:240), 1x(300). 8 Kettlebell Swings,...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (648)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (648)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 4x(25:100), 4x(90:180), 1x(240). 4/6 Cal Ski Erg, 8...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (647)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (647)With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible of the following. 4/6 Cal Air Bike, 8 Kettlebell Swings, 4/6 Cal Ski Erg. 1 round each for 8 rounds (total). 2 rounds each for 8 rounds (total). 4 rounds each...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (646)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (646)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 3x(30:120), 3x(120:240), 1x(300). 4x 5m Shuttle Run, 10...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (645)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (645)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 4x(25:100), 4x(90:180), 1x(240). 6 Burpees, 10 Hammer...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (644)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (644)In a team of three, each person on one movement at a time. Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (643)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (643)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 3x(30:120), 3x(120:240), 1x(300). 8 Ball Slams to box, 6...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (642)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (642)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 4x(25:100), 4x(90:180), 1x(240). 6 Box Jump Overs, 4/6...
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (641)
SESSION NOTES: Energy System Intervals (641)Complete as many rounds as possible of the following. Resume each interval where you finished the previous. Complete the following work to rest intervals: 5x(20:80), 5x(60:120), 1x(180). 6 Box Jump Overs, 4/6 Cal...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (662)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (662)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 900, 600, 300m Ski Erg. 240, 160, 80 Double Unders. 75, 50, 25 KB...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (661)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (661)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 900, 600, 300m Ski Erg. 240, 160, 80 Double Unders. 75, 50, 25 Wall...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (660)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (660)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 900, 600, 300m Ski Erg. 60, 40, 20 Burpees. 75, 50, 25 KB Swing. The...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (659)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (659)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 1800, 1200, 600m Air Bike. 240, 160, 80 Double Unders. 75, 50, 25 KB...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (658)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (658)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 1800, 1200, 600m Air Bike. 240, 160, 80 Double Unders. 75, 50, 25 Wall...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (657)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (657)In a team of 2, 3 or 4, complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 1800, 1200, 600m Air Bike. 75, 50, 25 Box Jumps...
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (656)
SESSION NOTES: Multi-Modal (656)Complete the following for time. Work at a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion throughout. Pace so your second two rounds are faster than your first round: 1800, 1200, 600m Air Bike. 60, 40, 20 Burpees. 75, 50, 25 KB Swing. The...