How to increase arousal levels to enter an ideal performance state

June 20, 2018

Transcribed from video:

– So what can we actually do? Alright, well, we talked about a lot of the things that were signs of being under aroused. We can actually flip them around and use them to our advantage to then become more hyper aroused, back into this ideal performance state. So you can increase your breathing rate, to artificially make yourself, you already start to get psyched up a little bit there. Acting energised. So, you can actually, if you act more energised, you start to become more energised. Everyone take your pen and hold it between your lips like this. Like that. How do you feel? Other than stupid. Now do the same thing but hold it in your teeth and don’t let it touch your lips. The pen is not allowed to touch your lips. Cannot touch your lips. How do you feel now?

– Nice and calm.

– Yeah, happy? Yeah? That’s what the research found. Take the pen out of your mouth now, that’s good. That’s what the research found. They took, they took people and they put them in a room and they said, okay, I want you to hold it between your lip… And they said nothing about smiling, you’ll notice I didn’t say smile or frown, but this… My frowning muscles are turning on. This… my smiling muscles are turning on.

– Your eyebrows.

– And, then they, yeah, yeah, my eyebrows went up and they actually then took those people, put them in a second room, had them do a happiness questionnaire, and the people holding it between their teeth rated happier on this happiness scale. So it’s the whole fake it until you make it sort of thing. It’s definitely valid. And, this is exactly the same. If you act energised, if you act more aroused, then you become more aroused. Sometimes it’s not being happy that makes us smile, it’s smiling that makes us happy, which is why smiling is contagious, and why you are happier when you are around other people who are happier. And you’ve got that happy, bubbly friend, they make you feel good about themselves. So if we all smile more, then we’ll make people around us more happy, and you get again, this positive feedback loop and everyone wins. Using mood words and positive statements, things like, explode or fast, or words that have an active connotation for you. Listening to music, music to pump you up, using imagery. So, maybe if you’re, if you’re doing an explosive task like a heavy power clean, thinking explode. And again we’ll talk about this when we get to self talk as well. And also doing a pretty competitive workout. So, if you’re too under aroused, doing something, doing some fast burpees to fire you up before you go out onto a competition floor, incorporate it as part of your warm up can help to fire you up as well.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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