How to increase self confidence

June 20, 2018

Transcribed from video:

– So, where can we get it from, how can we become self-confident, who needs to improve their self-confidence? Okay, so, where does this come from? Firstly, by actually doing something. Who’s confident that they could snatch within five kilos of their max? Yeah, so like, somewhere within five kilos of their max. I’m not going to go make you do it today. If you’ve done something before, you’re pretty confident that you can do it again. And that’s the strongest source of self-confidence, is, well, I’ve done it, so of course I can do it. So that’s where most of our self-confidence comes from, well, I’ve done it before. So maybe we can try and change and manipulate the training environment to make everything perfect to really make sure that an athlete makes a certain lift, achieves, and even if that means going behind their back and changing and manipulating that environment to give them the taste of success, it improves their confidence, and then surprise, surprise, they actually get their success. The experiences of their peers. So, vicarious experiences. Ah, she snatched 40 kilos, she’s just like me, I can snatch 40 kilos. Which is why, when you get a hotbed of athletic performance, high-level performers, corporate-level performers, you have this hotbed where people are achieving high things, it tends to lift everyone. So, the culture of an organisation, of a club, of a gym, a place to train, is so important, that high-performance culture, irrespective of the actual level of those people, will push everyone higher. Because your vicarious experiences really do help to give you confidence. If they can do it, then I can do it. Those are the two biggest sources of self-confidence. These things help as well, verbal persuasion from others, come on, you can do it, you’ve got this, you’ve got this, you guys have all experienced that. Again, so much of this comes down to culture. The use of imagery that we’ve already talked about, we’ve already touched on. And intentionally putting yourself in a certain physiological or emotional state. Because we know that our arousal levels correlate with our performance. So if you’re not confident, then you’re probably underaroused. So being able to push these arousal levels higher is going to therefore help to improve our self-confidence, because we associate being fired up with being confident. Therefore, if we can push up our arousal level, by definition, it also drags up our self-confidence. So again, you can see lots of overlaps here.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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