Ring Dip Ability Exercise Improvement Program

January 1, 2015

Range of Motion’s Exercise Improvement Programs have been developed to assist in improving the ability to complete the movements that people most commonly struggle with. They are designed to be cycled through over time, with each session running for only five minutes. This allows them to be completed in addition to (not instead of) your regular programming.

  • Session 1: TEST: Complete a ring dip (strict or kipping) with the heaviest weight or least band assistance possible. If band spotting is required, attach the band above rather than to the rings.
  • Session 2: Accumulate two minutes in support. If it takes longer than five minutes, stop.
  • Session 3: 5 x 3 strict bar dips. If this is easy, add weight so each set is difficult to complete. If you cannot complete with weight, or without assistance, use the smallest band possible while still being able to complete each set.
  • Session 4: 3 x ring dips to failure. If you need a band, use it (attach above not to rings). If you can do more than eight, do them weighted. Rest 60 secs between sets.
  • Session 5: Accumulate two minutes at your bar dip sticking point. If the first set is less than 15 seconds, use a band. If it takes longer than five minutes, stop.
  • Session 6: 15 x 1 ring dip kips. Begin in the bottom of a ring dip. Kip from the bottom and get as close to lock-out as possible while trying to minimise the use of the arms.  If you need a band, use it (attach above not to rings).
  • Session 7: 6 x 10 second eccentric ring dip lowers. Rest 30 secs after each. If you can do these weighted, do it. If you need band assistance, use it (attach above not to rings).
Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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