Transcribed from video:
– So, you try and coach this athlete out of it. So from here you say pull the bar back over your shoulder blades, and again they go to this. Now what is tight? What is weak? What’s tight overactive? What’s weak underactive? Okay the answers to this are the same as the answers for this, because this here, this breaking of the lumbar spine is a reaction to you telling them to pull the bar back and going to this position. Because that weight is still pressed forward really relative to my torso, that weight is still pressed forward. They’re just using this because the coach said to bring it back over my shoulder blades. Now it is, cool. Now you’re starting to load up and jam up your facets, et cetera in your lower back. Okay? So that hyper extension of the lumbar spine, going into this position, the first thing we need to do is say well is this a problem with the shoulders? Probably in most cases they don’t have the flexion flexion through the shoulder to allow them to get into that position. Who hyper extended their lumbar spine? So who’s got lower back hyper extended as they did this? Okay so if you guys have got that, and you’re actually physically able to get into position, so that would tell us that the shoulder is not the problem, yeah? They have fine shoulder flexibility here. And they go into this position. And you’ll see a lot of girls press into this sort of position, yeah? It’s a pretty common thing. They sort of stick their hips out at the back. That’s their overhead locked position there. But they have heaps of strong flexibility. That’s not the issue. So now we can go and you guys can answer the question. Now what is causing that? What causes that there? What’s weak? I would say two main things. If I’m in an anterior tilted position here, the rib cage is lifting, I would need to lock the ribs down. What muscles would be used there? Your abs. And I’d need to tuck my pelvis under. What muscles are going to be used there?
– [Audience Member] Glutes.
– My glutes okay? So someone who’s good position overhead but like this, they’re weak through their glutes and through their abs. Those are the two things you need to cue. Ribs down, pelvis tucked under.