Kipping Handstand Push-Up Ability Exercise Improvement Program 

January 1, 2015

Range of Motion’s Exercise Improvement Programs have been developed to assist in improving the ability to complete the movements that people most commonly struggle with. They are designed to be cycled through over time, with each session running for only five minutes. This allows them to be completed in addition to (not instead of) your regular programming.

  • Session 1: TEST: Find a max depth kipping handstand push-up. If you cannot do to depth, find the smallest band with which you can complete one rep.
  • Session 2: Kick up to the wall and complete a slow five second lower to a strong triangle position (hands and head form a triangle). If you lose control at the bottom, complete with the smallest band possible without losing control. If easy, complete to a deficit. Accumulate 20 repetitions. Five minute cap.
  • Session 3: Accumulate 50 ‘standing kips’, where you mirror the technique of a kipping HSPU but in a standing position. Bring hands to rack position, raise one knee and simultaneously drive the hands overhead as you drive the foot to the ground. Alternate legs each rep. Five minute cap.
  • Session 4: 5×3 kipping handstand push-ups. Use deficit or band that will make the three reps very challenging to complete. Five minute cap.
  • Session 5: Every minute for five rounds, complete three strict handstand push-ups, using band assistance if required.
  • Session 6: Accumulate 20 kipping handstand push-ups. Use band assistance that will allow the completion of all reps within five minutes.
Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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