When is the best time to eat protein?

October 27, 2022

Range of Motion Nutrition Coach, Jen Hunter, talks about protein timing, amounts, and sources.

It is estimated that the global protein supplementation market will be worth USD 32.6 Billion by 2027. Many people use protein supplements to increase protein intake immediately after exercise. However, is the timing of protein consumption really that important? In this article, we will look at why we need protein and whether the timing of consumption is important. Finally, we will look at how much protein we should eat and good sources. 

Why do we need protein? Protein consumption is essential for muscle repair and growth. Muscle protein breaks down for 24 hours post-exercise, and muscle protein repair continues for 48 hours post-exercise. Previously some studies suggested that protein consumption should occur immediately after training to promote muscle growth. However, more recent studies indicate that such specific timing of protein consumption is not critical for muscle repair and growth. So as long as you eat sufficient protein throughout the day, timing should not be an issue. 

How much protein do we need? Generally, a minimum of 1.5g -2g of protein per kilogram of body weight is necessary for muscle growth regardless of age or gender. Good sources of lean animal protein include egg whites, chicken, turkey, kangaroo, white fish and shellfish. Non-animal protein sources include tofu, tempeh, yogurt, edamame, and lentils. If you are on the go and struggling to get whole-food sources of protein, protein powders can be a useful tool to help you reach your targets. 

If you are struggling to meet your protein needs and want some guidance, reach out the Nutrition Coaches at Range of Motion to talk about how to improve your nutritional habits. 


Jen Hunter
Personal Coach
Certificate III & IV Fitness

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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