Relative Strength and Stamina
Band Assisted Handstand Push-Up
Band Assisted L-Sit
Band Assisted Pistols
Band Assisted Push Ups
Band Assisted Ring Dips (Belt)
Bar Muscle-Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Bar Row
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Bottom of Push Up Hold
Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
Bottom of Ring Push Up Hold
Butterfly Chest to Bar Pull Up
Butterfly Pull Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Chest to Bar Body Row Hold
Chin Over Bar Hold
Chin Over Ring Hold
Chin Over Rings L Hang
Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Up
Freestanding Handstand
Jump Lunge
Jump Squat
Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Kipping Handstand Push-Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Kipping Muscle-Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Kipping Pull Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Kipping Ring Dip
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
L Sit
L-Hang (bar)
L-Hang (rings)
Parallette Handstand Push-Up
Parallette Push Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Push Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Ring Dip Support Hold
Ring Rows
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Straight Leg Raise in Bar Dip Support
Strict Chest to Bar Pull Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Strict Chest to Bar Pull Up Band Scaled
Strict Chest to Ring Pull Up
Strict Dip
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Strict Dip Band Scaled
Strict Handstand Push-Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Strict Hanging Leg Raise
Strict Muscle-Up
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Strict Ring Dip
Toes to Bar
Quality criteria for this movement: Quality criteria are a series of boxes that must be ticked to ensure good quality, safe, efficient and effective movement. These criteria don't cover the start, mid and end points of a repetition, but the quality of what happens...
Underhand Pull Up
Walking Handstand