How COVID-19 Can Help You Build Habits That Will Last a Lifetime

April 8, 2020

We are creatures of habit. The vast majority of what we do every day is a result of routine. We go through our days segueing from one task to the next – a repetitive and predictable stream of events. It’s no wonder we find it so difficult to introduce new habits and behaviours into this stream. No sooner do we introduce them than they get washed away by the weight and flow of routine.

Although this makes new habit formation difficult, it also reveals an opportunity. In life, we come across certain major changes, some forced, some not. A new job, moving house, marriage, divorce, birth, death. These changes divert the flow of routine and provide an opportunity to introduce new behaviours – behaviours that no longer have to fight the flow of routine to become habits.

But the global COVID-19 pandemic has ripped our routine from us. Its effect has been pervasive – infecting every facet of our lives. Our work, our family time, our exercise, our nutrition, our sleep patterns. All changed.

And this is a good thing.

It’s a good thing because we’ve received an almighty SLAP from the universe that has reset our routines. And the coming days and weeks couldn’t be more important. Because now, we get to decide what our new routines will be. We get to choose our new habits.

Now is possibly the easiest time in your life to build new habits, because we get to forge a new path on our repeated daily behaviours. We cannot follow our old routines, so let’s make some better new ones!

Don’t miss this opportunity to take advantage of your new routines by introducing some healthy habits. It’s the best time to make them stick.

Check out our full library of COVID-19 articles here.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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