How to Review Your Open Performance

Sometimes the CrossFit Open can create a knee-jerk reaction from athletes who had weaknesses exposed.

A perceived failure in one movement too often sees a 180 degree about-turn in programming focus to solely target the offending movement.

Learning from competition performance is vitally important. Competitions allow us to test our training, and the efficacy of our training is either validated or punished. In fact, one of the questions all Range of Motion athletes are asked in their post- competition review survey is “What were your three biggest weaknesses in the competition?”. So we’re identifying weaknesses. But the survey then goes on to ask, “What are the five things you’re glad weren’t programmed in the competition?”. The reason for this? It gives balance. Any single competition is a tiny microcosm of your entire ability. A complete refocus of your training because of one event disrespects everything else that still warrants your attention.

Sure, you should address this newly exposed issue, but don’t use this small sample size of testing to change direction completely.

These are our top eight questions should you ask yourself to ensure you’re responding, not reacting to your CrossFit Open performance.

  1. What are the three biggest lessons you took away from the competition?
  2. List your three biggest strengths in the competition.
  3. List your three biggest weaknesses in the competition.
  4. What are the five things you’re glad WEREN’T programmed in the competition?
  5. Consider your nutrition/hydration. How could it have been improved?
  6. Consider your pre- and post- exercise routines. How could they have been improved?
  7. What training changes do you think need to be made as a result of this competition?
  8. Discuss your mental state during the competition and the lead-up. What needs to be improved?

Once you’ve answered these questions you can begin to plan for future competitions. You might notice some common themes. Remember, you’re only as strong as your weakest link, so make sure you’re devoting time to working on the items you identified in questions three and four.

Want some help peaking for the second CrossFit Open of 2019? Check out Range of Motion’s Six Month Open-Prep Program.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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