by Dan Williams | Apr 21, 2016 | Blogs, CrossFit, Exercise, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Programming
My Fitness File is our training program at Range of Motion. My Fitness File examines, tests and measures an athlete’s fitness, develops a custom profile, prescribes a completely unique exercise program based on the individual’s needs, and examines...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Exercise, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This is part of a five part series on Psychological Skills Training, covering the education, acquisition and practice of psychological skills. Other posts in this series include: Arousal Regulation – Psychological Skills Training Imagery – Psychological...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Exercise, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This blog post marks the first in a series of six posts on enhancing performance through training mental skills. This post will act as an introduction to the key concepts, while subsequent posts will cover arousal regulation, imagery, self-confidence, goal setting and...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This is part of a five part series on Psychological Skills Training, covering the education, acquisition and practice of psychological skills. Other posts in this series include: Imagery – Psychological Skills Training Self Confidence – Psychological...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Exercise, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This is part of a five part series on Psychological Skills Training, covering the education, acquisition and practice of psychological skills. Other posts in this series include: Arousal Regulation – Psychological Skills Training Self Confidence –...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This is part of a five part series on Psychological Skills Training, covering the education, acquisition and practice of psychological skills. Other posts in this series include: Arousal Regulation – Psychological Skills Training Imagery – Psychological...
by Dan Williams | Apr 3, 2016 | Blogs, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
This is part of a five part series on Psychological Skills Training, covering the education, acquisition and practice of psychological skills. Other posts in this series include: Arousal Regulation – Psychological Skills Training Imagery – Psychological...
by Dan Williams | Mar 20, 2016 | Biomechanics, Blogs, CrossFit, Exercise, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Musculo-skeletal Rehabilitation
Movement provides a window into the body. Assessing movement is like detective work. Observing movement and assessing faults gives us clues to identify underlying dysfunction. There are few better diagnostic tools than the squat. The number of directions in which...
by Dan Williams | Mar 20, 2016 | Blogs, CrossFit, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
The voice in our head has a major impact on our performance. This internal dialogue is called ‘self-talk’. Self-talk is one of the techniques we will cover in our upcoming workshop, The Psychological Game: Mental Skills Training (get tickets here). If our...
by Dan Williams | Mar 16, 2016 | Blogs, CrossFit, Health, Improving Athletic Performance, Psychology
Buy tickets. Learn to maximise your performance by maximising your mental skills. Do you get stressed or anxious about training, competing or life in general? Do you suffer from low self-confidence in your abilities? Do you sometimes approach exercise or health...