In previous parts of this series we’ve discussed the importance of both content creation (which exists primarily to deliver value to your current and potential clients) and documentation (which gives your potential clients a window into you business). There’s a third...
Articles from Range of Motion
22. Client Journey – Initial Consultations, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
So you’ve arranged the meeting and your potential client has arrived. First impressions matter. Immediately, they’ll be able to sense your culture and core values and within seconds will have calculated whether they match their own. If your culture is poor, you’ve...
23. Client Journey – Paying Clients, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
Once your client has gone through the awareness and contact phases, and their initial consultations, they become a paying client. At each stage of this journey, we’ve talked about the priority of that part of the sales process. We teach Range of Motion Business...
1. Direction, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
With all the complexity that can come from the running of a fitness business, without direction, any efforts will be aimless. The first step in developing a fitness business must be in identifying the vision for the business - the final (or at least long-term)...
15. Social Media Paid Ads, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In addition to the strategies of content marketing, social media documentation and leveraging client content, social media (in particular Facebook and Instagram) advertising should form a major part of your marketing strategy. Here, we’ll discuss the process, and a...
16. Email Marketing, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
A list of client (and potential client) emails is one of the most valuable assets in the world of marketing. Not only does this allow you to contact people via email, but it can be used in social media advertising (specifically the Facebook group of apps) to create...
5. Identifying the Roles in Your Business, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The first step in creating a business that runs on systems and automation is to identify the roles in your business. This is a key exercise for Range of Motion Business Mentoring clients. Think of the roles as the different ‘hats’ you have to wear in the day to day...
24. Client Departure Process, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
As much as the owner of a fitness business can systemise the client journey and experience, and devote time to solving problems and delivering value, client loss is an inevitable part of the business. With Range of Motion Business Mentoring clients, we teach that...
2. Mission Statement, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
A mission statement is a clear, succinct statement that describes the impact you wish your business to have. This statement is the ultimate refinement of everything your business does. It allows you to explain to someone in 15 seconds or less what your business does....
17. Google Ads, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
While social media often provides disruptive targeting, meaning the adverts are shown to people when they may not want to see them, Google Ads uses search ads to deliver your advertising to people when they’re actively looking for a service similar to the one you...
6. Identifying the Tasks for Business Roles, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In a previous part of this series, we discussed the need to identify the roles in your business. We talked about the importance of identifying the roles, describing them, and listing the key competencies of each. With Range of Motion Business Mentoring clients we then...
25. Exercise – The Micro Product, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In this series we’ve spoken about how the true product a fitness business is selling isn’t exercise, or even the result of exercise (and the pain points it removes), but an experience. The experience is the sum total of contact and interaction with you and your...
3. Culture and Core Values, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
A Fitness Business’ greatest asset is its culture. Culture is everything. Your culture is your brand. It’s what you want your business to be known for. It’s embodied in every interaction within and without your business. In a fitness business, your culture is driven...
18. Writing Marketing Material, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The way we communicate with potential clients plays a deciding factor in whether this communication will prompt them to take some action. And this is the basis of this communication - influencing, driving and inspiring action. This action will move our potential...
7. Systemising and Actioning Tasks, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In the last two parts of this series, we’ve explored how to identify the roles in your business, and how to identify the tasks for each role. Each of the roles will have numerous tasks they need to complete. By identifying the tasks, we can then create systems for...
28. Staff, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
Your staff are the front line of your business. They take your systems and impart them on your clients. A strong argument could be made for your staff being even more important than your clients. They spread you culture, live by your core values and and the biggest...
26. Tracking the Client Journey, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The client journey is the client experience - the biggest and most important thing you’re selling. This journey encompasses the awareness and contact phases, their initial consultations, and their ongoing journey as a paying client. As important as the creation of...
4. Unique Selling Proposition, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The unique selling point (USP) of your business is the thing that you do best. It’s the service or product you provide that delivers the greatest amount of value to your clients, and therefore the greatest amount of value (either financial or in social currency) to...
19. Referral Process, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
There’s comes a lightbulb moment with a lot of our Range of Motion Business Mentoring clients, when they realise that being at good marketing isn’t about being good at marketing. It’s about being good at their core business. It’s about doing what it is that they’re...
Bonus Content: Knowing and Tracking KPIs, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
To run a successful business, it’s vital to track your numbers. We call these numbers your ‘Key Performance Indicators’, or KPIs. Changes in any business metric over time gives you three distinct advantages. Firstly, it allows you to spot trends in the direction your...
8. Policies and Procedures Manual, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In the previous three parts of this series, we’ve covered how to identify the roles in your business, how to assign tasks to each role, and how to systemise these tasks. This process has now effectively created an operations manual for you business - a document we...
29. Productivity, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
Being a Fitness Professional means a lot more than just being a Fitness Professional. Sure, we need to be experts in our specific field, but having expertise in our narrow niche isn’t enough. In this entrepreneur-dominated field, our needs extend far beyond exercise....
27. Client Surveys, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
One of the most powerful tools in improving your fitness business, and the client experience, is to listen to your clients. Not only will this improve the experience for your clients (thus leading to greater retention and referral rates), but it will also ensure that...
20. Promotions and Tactics, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
One of the most widely used marketing strategies in the business of fitness is also one of the least effective. The use of Promotions and Tactics. Broadly speaking, these are short term strategies designed to inject a boost of leads (and hopefully clients) in to a...
Self-Conscious in the Gym? Lessons from a Wedding Dance.
Before our wedding my (then) fiancee (now wife!) and I took dancing lessons. Not unusual for a newly engaged couple looking to wow their friends and family on the wedding night. But the problem was, Ash used to be a competitive ballroom dancer. Needless to say, my...
Sleep is Dangerous
Sleep is dangerous. Or at least with a rudimentary understanding of evolution, that’s a conclusion you could semi-logically arrive at. Let’s journey back to our caveman days. Sleep was dangerous. Dangerous for our species. It was...
Starting Exercise is Easier Than You Think
Starting exercise can be really hard. Let's face it, starting ANYTHING can be really hard. It's like pushing a car, the first metre takes a superhuman effort, but then once it's rolling, the inertia makes it easy to keep going. Exercise is the same. That first effort...
ROM Nutrition Coaching Launch
Range of Motion Nutrition Coaching takes a behavioural approach to improving nutrition. We recognise there is MUCH more to nutrition that the science of food. In fact, it’s more about the science of the mind. It’s about creating positive changes to people’s habits...
Nutrition Workshop – Dec 1st, 2019.
Do you want to eat better in 2019? In this workshop, Dan Williams will discuss the strategies you can employ to improve your nutrition in 2019, including. We'll also be assessing your current eating habits (and suggesting ways to...
Over 25 Years Old and Not Motivated to Exercise? Read This!
Are you over age 25? Your best years may behind you! Scary fact, but it doesn't have to be true. After the age of 25, the metabolic rate of the average person drops by two to four percent every decade. But what does this mean?...