Challenging NDIS Participants with Exercise

We can raise our expectations around what NDIS participants are able to achieve when it comes to exercise. 

All too often as fitness professionals, we can have the tendency to pigeonhole NDIS participants, and believe that their physical potential is less than it actually is. 

This pigeonholing leads to what is called a self fulfilling prophecy, where our perceived belief in someone’s abilities results in us challenging them less, resulting in them achieving less. 

I am guilty of this myself at times and barely a week goes by when I don’t have to stop myself from simplifying or sugarcoating a certain exercise or movement because I incorrectly believe an NDIS participant is not able to achieve it. 

This dangerous glass ceiling limits the progress as people tend to rise or fall to meet our expectations.

Now of course this doesn’t mean we should extend people beyond their abilities, but I do firmly believe that health professionals are more prone to under stretching than over stretching. And it’s a bias our Exercise Physiologists are very aware of when working with NDIS participants at Range of Motion (learn more about the work we do here).

When I find myself oversimplifying an exercise, or making allowances where allowances don’t really need to be made, I have to consciously stop and correct myself. 

The results are almost always extraordinary, just like every single one of the NDIS participants I have the pleasure and honour of working with.

Range of Motion, in Osborne Park, provides Exercise Physiology Services for NDIS participants. An exceptionally high standard of one-on-one expert care, in a safe, friendly environment. Learn more about our exercise programs for NDIS participants.

Dan Williams

Dan Williams


Dan Williams is the Director of Range of Motion and leads a team of Exercise Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Physiotherapists and Coaches. He has a Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science) and a Postgraduate Bachelor of Exercise Rehabilitation Science from The University of Western Australia, with minors in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology.

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