Moving Along The Continuum of Health

Moving Along The Continuum of Health

Everything we do at Range of Motion is based around the Range of Motion Model of Health. For over ten year’s we’ve used this conceptual model for every single client we’ve had in our four branches. This model measures multiple measures of health,...

Ice Baths and Cryotherapy for Recovery and Performance: A Literature Review.

The use of various temperature protocols (cryotherapy, cold water immersion/ice baths, contrast therapy) for increased recovery and performance has garnered mainstream acceptance from athletes. Here, we review the literature to examine the effectiveness of these...

How CrossFit Helps Combat the 19 Major Causes of Premature Death and Disability

CrossFit for health, CrossFit for fitness or CrossFit for performance? The evolution of CrossFit has seen the emergence of an identity crisis of sorts. Is it an exercise program? A sport? A corporation? A brand? This crisis exists not so much within the community...
Injured? Run Down? Overtraining? Under Recovered? A Case Study.

Injured? Run Down? Overtraining? Under Recovered? A Case Study.

Dawn Gregson shares her experiences with overtraining and comes to some valuable conclusions. Learn from her experience. Over the past six months my training regime has been pretty heavy. I have trained five to six timesĀ a week with multiple workouts and practice...