Short-term lazy is when you look for the easy way to do things in the present, today. If faced with an immediate decision of whether to take the easy option or the hard option, the 'short-term lazy' person takes the easy option...
Articles from Range of Motion
Demonstration of PNF and its effects
Transcribed from video: - [Instructor] Let's see if we can improve that flexibility. And we're going to use this hamstring PNF as an example of how PNF works. And then I'm going to teach you guys how to do this on each other, how...
The two challenges of injury
Transcribed from video: - There are two challenges that we're facing. So you're injured, whether it's a little niggle or a chronic thing, or an acute injury, we have to try and fix it. So if something is broken, we need to try...
The Marginal Gains from Increasing Training Volume
Transcribed from video: - When people first start exercising, or they go from doing no sessions, no training, to one exercise session a week. So they go from from doing nothing to doing something, just a small amount. What...
Constructing a Biased Progam Final
Transcribed from video: - So now we're going to talk about how to take those sessions, give them a score, and work out how often we're going to be doing them. So let's use this profile, of this person here that we've created. And we're going to assign a score, or a...
How to increase self confidence
Transcribed from video: - So, where can we get it from, how can we become self-confident, who needs to improve their self-confidence? Okay, so, where does this come from? Firstly, by actually doing something. Who's confident that...
How the Phosphocreatine System Produces Energy
Transcribed from video: - Then we have to look at Phsophocreatine. Phsophocreatine is a chemical that's stored in the body. A lot of you guys will know creatine as a performance supplement, a health supplement. There's a lot of...
How to Increase Your Aerobic Threshold
Transcribed from video: - So we're going to talk about three different thresholds. A threshold being a point where one energy system reaches the end of being the dominant energy system and the next one takes over. We're going to...
Varied Improvements from Biased Programming
Transcribed from video: - So, here's what we found. We found that people will tend to improve their major weakness, that's the thing that we've identified as what they need to work on most. They'll improve that by maybe 40%. They...
The Value of Movements as a Diagnostic Tool
Transcribed from video: - As a result of the movement patterns we've seen, we can draw conclusions about what's going on in your body. Now I think this is much more applicable than doing, testing range of motion exercises in an...
Constructing a Biased Program
Transcribed from video: - So now we're going to talk about how to take those sessions, give them a score and work out how often we're going to be doing them. So let's use this profile of this person here that we've created. And...
Why Diagnosis is Useless Without Treatment
Transcribed from video: - [Instructor] It becomes very very simple to say I can see a move and fault; someone's knees are falling in on the squat. And I can now work out what is causing that. But to be honest with you, from a...
Injury is an opportunity
Transcribed from video: - Injury is not a roadblock. It's just maybe a slight detour. Not only can it be a slight detour, but while you're on that detour, you may actually see the sights that you wouldn't have seen if you were...
Internal factors which may cause loss of concentration
Transcribed from video: - Internal. They're things that we focus on within ourselves. So, choking in performance, having low self-confidence, thinking about mistakes you've made in the past instead of focusing on good performance...
The Importance and Method of Skill Development
Transcribed from video: - [Dan] How do we develop skill? So, skill and training. I would categorise the movements you improve into two areas. We talk about trainable weaknesses and we talk about practicable weaknesses. Weaknesses...
Programming Effective Exercise Combinations
Transcribed from video: - So, when we're putting together a multi-modal type session, the aim needs to be to create maximum exposure from a cardiorespiratory endurance from a work capacity point of view. Our aim needs to be to have conflicting exercises which shunt...
Correction for common musculo skeletal faults in a squat
Transcribed from video: - Squat, posterior pelvic tilt in a squat. What is the first thing we were trying to do? We did squats earlier this morning. What's the first thing we were trying to do before trying anything else? - Yeah,...
An exercise using visualisation to improve performance
Transcribed from video: - Okay, what I want you to do guys is everyone close your eyes. And I'm going to just take you through a visualisation of hitting a snatch. All right, you're standing a metre behind the bar. And as you...
Summary of the process of PNF
Transcribed from video: - Okay, test it first, how far are we going to go? Hm, that's better. 80 degrees ish? Okay, we're going slowly into a static stretch. We go slowly because we want to overcome the monosynaptic stretch...
Exercise selection for absolute strength
Transcribed from video: - It should contain an element each of deadlift, squat, and press. Now, because we are programming not for powerlifters, we need to be efficient with our time. We can't just have an upper body max effort day, and then a lower body dynamic...
The heirarchy of injury modification
Transcribed from video: - These are ways that we can change an exercise, based on injury. We can change the load, we can reduce the load, we can change the volume, reduce the speed and power. These are ways we can take an...
Training Frequency and Distribution in Programming
Transcribed from video: - So now we know how often we should be doing these sessions. So if we then have nineteen sessions. This is how we actually put them together. We have nineteen sessions, we know that two of these nineteen...
How to improve self awareness when it comes to pacing and strategy
Transcribed from video: - We talked about this a little bit yesterday. You don't need to know how many millimoles of lactate and stuff. You don't really need to know that. Heart rate can be a good measure of this but you don't...
General Principles of Tapering for a Competition
Transcribed from video: - General principles. So, there are five main things that we can look at here, when it comes to putting together a taper. Firstly, reduce the neuromuscular effect of the training sessions. What's one way...
How to control your arousal levels in competition
Transcribed from video: - Some specific examples for ya, in a comp' The first one, smile, if you don't have a pen with ya, bite your finger. Okay, have fun, enjoy the situation. So, actually make a decision that "I'm going to...
Why it’s important to strategise in training, not just competition
Transcribed from video: - So why should we strategize in training? Because the contention of a lot of people is, "Well, if I'm strategizing and training, the intensity "is lower, surely from lower intensity "I'm not going to get...
Going to failure to build strength
Transcribed from video: - The final set of each, I would do some max reps. And have an extra minute rest between your last and your second last there. I would go for max reps in that final set. It does two things. Firstly, it...
Criteria to effectively use imagery to improve performance
Transcribed from video: - There are five different things that we need to try and create when we are doing visualisation. It's not just the picture, because the more controllable we can make it, and the more vivid we can make it, our imagery, the more effective it's...
How imagery works to improve performance
Transcribed from video: - We have the same neuromuscular patterns in our bodies, whether we're performing a skill or thinking about the skill. They put electrodes on people's heads, and that person has then done a long jump....
Nutrition in the Week Leading up to a Competition
Transcribed from video: - Nutrition, and I know there's a lot of interest in nutrition and what you should be doing competition-wise to fuel your body. We've talked about low-hanging fruit a lot this weekend. What's the easiest...