SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (321)One set every 2 mins for 5 rounds. Increase weight from session 322, all sets same weight, final set for max reps. Rest an extra minute before final set. First exercise in odd rounds, second exercise in even rounds.4...
Articles from Range of Motion
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (322)
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (322)One set every 2 mins for 5 rounds. Increase weight from session 323, all sets same weight, final set for max reps. Rest an extra minute before final set. First exercise in odd rounds, second exercise in even rounds.3...
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (323)
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (323)One set every 2 mins for 5 rounds. Increase weight from session 314, all sets same weight, final set for max reps. Rest an extra minute before final set. First exercise in odd rounds, second exercise in even rounds.2 strict...
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (316)
SESSION NOTES: Relative Strength (316)One set every 2 mins for 5 rounds. Increase weight from session 315, all sets same weight, final set for max reps. Rest an extra minute before final set. First exercise in odd rounds, second exercise in even rounds.3...
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (284)
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (284)Complete as many total meters as possible over the following rowing intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 12x 5s work, 60s passive rest. 8x 20s work, 80s active rowing...
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (285)
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (285)Complete as many total meters as possible over the following rowing intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 8x 10s work, 120s passive rest. 4x 25s work, 100s active rowing...
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (286)
SESSION NOTES: Rowing Trainable Weakness (286)SESSION FLOW COLUMNS: B, H.<br/>Complete as many total meters as possible over the following rowing intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 4x 15s work, 180s passive...
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (299)
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (299)Complete as many total meters as possible over the following running intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 4x 15s work, 180s passive rest. 3x 30s work, 120s active...
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (298)
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (298)Complete as many total meters as possible over the following running intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 8x 10s work, 120s passive rest. 4x 25s work, 100s active jog/walk...
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (297)
SESSION NOTES: Running Trainable Weakness (297)Complete as many total meters as possible over the following running intervals. As fast as possible on each interval while still maintaining pace: 12x 5s work, 60s passive rest. 8x 20s work, 80s active...
SESSION NOTES: Heavy Barbell Conditioning (77)
SESSION NOTES: Heavy Barbell Conditioning (77)5, 3, 1, 3, 5 minute AMRAPs with a 2:1 work to rest ratio. Resume each interval where you finished the previous.5 Back squat (75% max)5 Power clean and jerk (75% max) This session contains one element of each of the four...
A Minimalist Approach to Exercise for Time Poor High Achievers
As with most things in life, the benefits of exercise adhere to the 80/20 rule - the Pareto Principle. 20% of your customers take up 80% of your time. 80% of a business’ income comes from 20% of a business’ products. 80% of a country’s wealth is in the hands of 20% of...
9 Reasons to Take Your Exercise Outside
Exercise is synonymous with 'going to the gym'. It's almost like we can't exercise unless we're there. In fact, when we're outside those four walls, we do everything we can to AVOID exercise. But what if you could supplement your gym time with some exercise outdoors?...
Beating The Top Five Killers of Men
There's a common theme that runs through the top five killers of men... Exercise can play a life-saving role in every single one. In order, the five biggest killers of mean are: Ischaemic Heart Disease. Lung Cancer. Dementia....
2019 Perth Fitness Industry Professional Development Weekend
An intensive and in-depth two-day Professional Development weekend for Perth Fitness Professionals, presented by Dan Williams. With 25 interactive and theory based fitness and business modules, this event will allow you to both super-charge your expertise as a Fitness...
Burn More Calories Than You Consume: USELESS Weight Loss Advice.
We love to simplify things. Nutrition Professionals are no different. By far the most common piece of advice offered by these professionals to people trying to lose weight is 'burn more energy than you consume". They claim that reducing body fat is simply a matter of...
Range of Motion Athlete Camp
The Range of Motion Athlete Camp is a two day Perth event for CrossFitters, designed to help you become a better athlete, whether you’re a complete beginner or an elite competitor. We’ve sought out the leading coaches in their fields, and brought them together to...
Stop Focusing on One Percenters
One percenters. Marginal gains. They're touted as the solution to all our problems. We search for these 'hacks' in our lives. Tiny things we can do that will push us towards better health, more financial success, greater happiness. And sure, these one percenters can...
Top Six Tips to Prepare for the Second Open of 2019
Did you know there are TWO CrossFit Opens in 2019? Are you doing everything you should be to surpass your goals and dominate the October Open? Here are our top six tips to make sure you're doing everything you can to be ready:...
How to Review Your Open Performance
Sometimes the CrossFit Open can create a knee-jerk reaction from athletes who had weaknesses exposed. A perceived failure in one movement too often sees a 180 degree about-turn in programming focus to solely target the offending movement. Learning from competition...
How to Train a Superhero
Superheros are already pretty... super. But just like the rest of us they have strengths and weaknesses. We bet Spider-man can do muscle-ups all day, but he'd struggle beating The Hulk in an arm wrestle! So we thought it'd be fun to put together a programming template...
The Five Top Types of Exercise For Weight Loss
Weight loss is really complicated. Or at least that's what people think. But it doesn't need to be. Firstly, a disclaimer. Weight loss is more about nutrition than exercise. But of course exercise is still important. So what can we do in the gym to make sure we're...
The Hidden Truth About Exercise and Stress
Stress is stress. Sure it takes different forms, but they all go in to the same 'stress bucket' - and once that bucket's full, it starts to overflow. Let's talk about what this means. When you've got a tight work deadline... that's stress. When you've got a cold......
There’s Nothing Wrong With Exercising to Get More Sexy!
At some stage it became unacceptable to admit out loud that one of your big motives for exercising was to look better. It became something people would fixate and obsess over in their own minds, but would feel embarrassed to...
9. Avatar Creation, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The external marketing process for your business should begin at the end. With the client. All too often, the marketing message of a business is ‘action-focussed’ - it tells people what you do. Instead, it should focus on the problems you solve. The first step in...
10. Website, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The vast majority of the marketing funnels for a Fitness Business should lead to the business’ website. Sure, potential clients can find out basic information from social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, but in the end, it’s the website they’ll go to in...
11. Content Marketing, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
Consistently and (almost) without fail, the single biggest pain-point or challenge for the Range of Motion Business Mentoring clients we work with, is client acquisition. The real solution to the problem lies not in short term, desperate client acquisition strategies,...
12. Content Scheduling and Automation, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
In Content Creation we explored ways of creating content and leveraging this content to multiple media and platforms. We discussed the need to create ‘evergreen’ (always relevant) content and that simply posting the content once it was created was only the start of...
13. Social Media Documentation, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
There are several forms of social media content that should exist as part of our social media marketing strategy. Along with content creation (which exists primarily to deliver value to your current and potential clients), one of the primary forms of material for...
21. Client Journey – Awareness to Contact, Range of Motion Fitness Business Series
The biggest thing being sold by a Fitness Business is an experience. Sure, part of that experience is the product or service you’re providing, part is the removal of the client’s struggles or pain points, part is the result they’re getting. But these things on their...