Every day, we work with people who do not let their disability define them. But when it comes to exercise, we see one very big mistake. They let their inabilities define their exercise. Their exercise program becomes pigeon holed, with overly modified movements and a...
Articles from Range of Motion
The best exercises to help older people get off the floor
Let’s address of the biggest fears for many of the older clients we work with at Range of Motion. The inability to get up off the floor. At best, the crawl across the living room to get assistance from the nearest couch can be really embarrassing. It’s a humiliating...
Cross-training musicians like athletes
There are countless similarities between musicians and athletes. The line between the demands of their fields is so blurred, it’s hardly worth making a distinction. The both practice the skills of their chosen ‘sport’ for many hours a day. They both require high...
The 13 questions that will tell you if a PT is perfect for you
Finding a Personal Trainer that’s the perfect fit for you is a bigger decision than you may think. All going well, you’ll build a relationship with this person over many years (we have many clients at Range of Motion in Osborne Park who have been with us for over ten...
The perfect computer posture will surprise you
Do you spend a lot time staring at a computer screen? Folded into an office chair? Or maybe you spend all day driving a car. Or rocking a baby. Or staring at your phone. Have you ever thought about what the perfect posture is for each of these tasks? You probably...
An open letter to women in their 60s about exercise
When you’ve worked with and helped as many people as we have at Range of Motion, you pick up on a lot of common problems. And there’s no population of people who need an individualised, health first approach, more than women in their early 60s. Every week, we sit down...
8 things NDIS participants should look for in an Exercise Professional
The relationship between an NDIS participant and their exercise professional (usually an Accredited Exercise Physiologist) can be one of the most important connections in that participant’s life. Here are eight things an NDIS participant should look for when choosing...
Why walking is so underrated
The simple act of going for a long walk has to be the more underrated forms of exercise there is. And to understand why it’s so underrated, we have to understand the current state of the fitness industry. Because unfortunately, the ‘fitness industry’ as it stands...
Learning to think differently
When it comes to learning new exercises and movements, we seem to automatically understand that we get better at things by practicing them. When babies become toddlers, their walking improves the more they do. When kids learn to throw and catch, they become stronger...
The most important exercise for individuals with a disability
Asking the most important type of exercise for individuals living with a disability needs a very individualised answer. Regardless of the type of disability, there’s one very important factor to remember. Whatever exercise someone is doing, it needs to directly...
A simple guide to claiming exercise on the NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a program in Australia that helps people with disabilities and their families get the support they need. The NDIS pays for different kinds of therapy services that help people living with disabilities, including...
When is the best time to eat protein?
Range of Motion Nutrition Coach, Jen Hunter, talks about protein timing, amounts, and sources. It is estimated that the global protein supplementation market will be worth USD 32.6 Billion by 2027. Many people use protein supplements to increase protein intake...
How much sleep do I REALLY need?
Range of Motion Personal Coach, Jen Hunter, answers the most common questions we get asked about sleep. Not getting enough sleep is well-known to reduce physical and mental performance. In addition, long-term sleep deficit is linked to increased chronic disease and...
Combatting Menopause with Strength Training
Range of Motion Personal Coach, Jen Hunter, explores the benefits of strength training in mitigating the effects of menopause. Changes in hormone levels after menopause are associated with decreased bone density, reduced muscle mass, reduced strength and increased...
Throw money at your health problems
Money may not buy happiness, but, spent in the right way, can certainly move you towards better health. The global trend towards income as the deciding indicator of success is worrying. The pursuit of income often comes at the expense of all else. At the expense of...
Challenging NDIS Participants with Exercise
We can raise our expectations around what NDIS participants are able to achieve when it comes to exercise. All too often as fitness professionals, we can have the tendency to pigeonhole NDIS participants, and believe that their physical potential is less than it...
Your perfectionism is derailing your exercise (and what to do about it)
If you’re a perfectionist who’s struggling to build a long term exercise habit, you may have found you struggle with consistency. And often this disruption comes either from people’s desire to make their exercise sessions perfect, or their belief that more is better....
Using cycling to build strength in injured knees
Do you suffer from knee pain when you exercise? Squats and running leave you hobbling for days? One of the biggest challenges knee pain sufferers face, is maintaining leg strength without aggravating the knees. Particularly movements that strengthen the quads. It’s a...
Bigger Muscles May Be Harming Your Performance
For many athletes and competitive sportspeople, there’s a general assumption that more muscle means better performance. We’re talking here about athletes that require a wide ranging fitness that demands a wide range of physical competencies. People who need to...
Why individuals with a disability should LIMIT their use of exercise machines
There’s a fine line when designing exercise programs for people living with a disability. It's a balancing act our Exercise Physiologist are are constantly working on with our clients at Range of Motion. On one hand, we need to make sure the exercise is something they...
Find your perfect NDIS funded Exercise Physiologist with these 13 questions
Summary: The NDIS can pay for you to exercise with a special kind of trainer called an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP). This can happen if you need help with daily living or improving your health. AEPs know a lot about how exercise can help people with...
How to exercise around motivation
Range of Motion Personal Coach, Jen Hunter, talks about the big problem with motivation. Sometimes it is hard to get motivated to exercise; life is challenging, and training can feel like the last thing we want to do. So why does it sometimes feel so hard? What can we...
Strength training is medicine for the mind
Range of Motion Personal Coach, Jen Hunter, talks about the powerful effects of strength training on mental health. In the last year, 20% of people in Australia have experienced some form of mental illness. Mental ill health is linked to many negative physical...
The key to improving posture for teenagers on the NDIS
Providing Exercise Physiology services for teenagers on the NDIS, there is one key focus that pay dividends again and again. Neutral spine. But what is ‘neutral spine’? What does it mean, and why is it so important for teens on the NDIS? ‘Neutral spine’ is basically...
Seven exercises NDIS participants should be doing
While we realise there is a huge range of abilities for NDIS participants, we’ve created a ‘top seven’ list for exercise we think they should build towards. Of course, there needs to be a huge degree of individualisation and variation to suit the unique needs of the...
Which Cardio Machine Should I Buy?
What’s the best piece of cardio equipment to get for a home gym? It really comes down to the ‘big four’. Rower (we prefer concept 2). Bike Erg (we prefer concept 2). Ski Erg (we prefer concept 2). Air Bike (we prefer Rogue Echo Bike). So let’s count these down from...
How Olympic Weightlifting can help you fight ageing
Olympic Weightlifting. Even the sheer name strikes fear into people who are maybe a little overwhelmed by gyms and exercise. Then they learn a little more about it, and the fear only grows! And we have to admit, it does look pretty scary. Muscly people at the Olympics...
Alcohol May Be Good For You (but not for the reason you think)
Health is complicated. Every human being is an impossibly complicated petri dish of variables that all work together to impact our lives. And, viewed in isolation, the advice is pretty simple. Eat more veggies, eat less cake. Smoke less. Exercise more. Drink less....
Avatar Worksheet
Before you start any marketing, you need to decide who your business is for. Access our free Avatar Worksheet here.
12 ways to get the most out of ROM Plus
ROM Plus allows our clients to get the full Range of Motion Experience. An addition to your one-on-one Personal Coaching, it entitles the client to a wide range of benefits and inclusions. In this article, we discuss the 12 ways to ensure you’re getting as much as...